Travel Training

GATRA Staff can assist people in overcoming fears and building confidence so they can ride the public bus on their own by providing resources and directions to complete trips on our fixed route buses. Our goal is to teach individuals how to ride public transportation systems safely and independently in communities where GATRA operates fixed route buses. We can provide guidance and resources to help people become more familiar with our services including:

  • Using GATRA’s website and other online tools to obtain bus system information
  • Trip planning
  • Reading and understanding route maps and schedules
  • Riding specific routes
  • Getting to and from a specific bus stop
  • Paying fares and purchasing tickets and passes
  • Locating and transferring to other buses

There are many benefits of riding the GATRA bus such as greater independence, convenience, and an increased sense of confidence and self-reliance. To learn more please contact GATRA at 508-823-8828, ext. 263.